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A simple procedure can be followed to easily calculate the amount of cement, sand, and mortar for roofs and columns. Below are the steps to find the correct ratio and quantity: 1. Roof Calculation (a) Determination of volume: To find the volume of the roof, first determine the length, width, and thickness. Volume (Cubic Feet) = Length (feet) × Width (feet) × Height (feet) Volume (Cubic Feet) = Length (feet) × Width (feet) × Height (feet) (b) Extract dry volume: Multiply by 1.5 to find dry volume. Dry volume = Vol × 1.5 Dry volume=volume×1.5 (c) Material ratio: Select the ratio of cement, sand and aggregate (eg 1:2:4). Add the total parts to: 1:2:4 ratio: Total parts = 1 + 2 + 4 = 7 (d) Determining the amount of material: Calculate the amount of each component based on dry volume: Cement: Cement (cft) = ( 1 7 ) × Dry volume Cement (cft)=( 7 1 )×dry volume Sand: Sand (cft) = ( 2 7 ) × Dry volume Sand (cft)=( 7 2 )×dry volume Lost: loss (cft) = ( 4 7 ) × Dry volume loss (cft)=( 7 4 )×dry volume 2. Column Calculation For columns, follow the same procedure, but the height may vary according to the size of the column. (a) Determination of volume: To find the volume of the column, find the length, width, and height. Volume (Cubic Feet) = Base Length (feet) × Width of base (feet) × Height (feet) Volume (Cubic Feet) = Base Length (feet) × Base Width (feet) × Height (feet) (b) Calculate the dry volume: Dry volume = Vol × 1.5 Dry volume=volume×1.5 (c) Determination of proportions and quantities of ingredients: Calculate the amount of cement, sand, and aggregate as above. Example: Let's say, for a roof: Length = 10 feet Width = 8 Ft Height = 6 inches (0.5 feet) For the roof: Volume = 10 × 8 × 0.5 = 40 10×8×0.5=40 cft Dry volume = 40 × 1.5 = 60 40×1.5=60 cft Amount of Ingredients: Cement = 1 7 × 60 = 8.57 7 1 ×60=8.57 cft Sand = 2 7 × 60 = 17.14 7 2 ×60=17.14 cft Lost = 4 7 × 60 = 34.29 7 4 ×60=34.29 cft This way, you can accurately calculate the amount of cement, sand and mortar for the roof and columns.
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