Two Storied Residential Building 3d design


Drawing For 2 (Two) Storied Residential Building



Vill: Haldiapukur, Araji Pir Mamud  

          PO: Maidandighi 

P.S-  Panchagarh, 

          Dist- Panchagarh.

 Gound floor one unit And Fast Two  unit plan
  1. One  unit plan Details 
  2. Five  Bed
  3. One Dining
  4. One Drawing 
  5. One Ketchen
  6. Four Toilet 
  7. Six  balcony

  1. Two  unit plan Details 
  2. Two Bed
  3. Dining/Drawing Room
  4. One Kitchen
  5. Two toilet 
  6. Four  balcony 
Building Floor Area =2083 sft

সোশ্যাল মিডিয়া লোগো


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