Determine the amount of the rod on the roof Determine the vote of the rod on the roof


ছাদে রডের পরিমাণ নির্ণয় করি...

Determine the vote of the rod on the roof

i think
Roof area is 1000 sqft
Holds 5"
And 1% or 1.5% or 2% of total concrete is taken for roof.. !!
We charge 1.5%.
The formula is,
Area × Volume ÷ 12( 12"=1') × (1.5%) × Unit Weight = Answer (kg).
we get,
1000×(5÷12)×(1.5÷100)×222 =1387.50 kg.
Here the depth is 5" so divided by 12" in feet...
1.5% = (1.5÷100)
Unit weight of iron is 222 kg/cft
So 1000 sft of roofing iron required is 1387.50 kg.


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